Friday, February 20, 2015

What is the purpose of my imagination?

When I use my imagination to make my life better it moves me closer to my authentic Self and my Higher Purpose. Almost everyone possesses imagination in some form. As a child, do you recall gazing up at the bright, puffy clouds and playing a game called: "what does that look like to you?" Any one of us could creatively imagine butterflies or dragons or even an old man's face etched out in the suggestive outline of a passing cumulus. That happens nearly effortlessly because we are meaning making machines and creativity is hard-wired into our genes. Even the more concrete parts of our adult lives are open to vast interpretation and our imaginations stand ready to get to work. The trick in my life is to maintain the right perspective and remember I am not a victim, but the master of my imagination. It's easy to get caught up in fear. And when I do, I create a dark and foreboding world that I dread. A better option for me is to stay open to the possibility that there remains an undiscovered and undefined gift or opportunity in every situation, in every challenge.

We become what we think about all day long Ralph Waldo Emerson

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