Many of the questions in our lives are the "low-hanging-fruit" of the question-and-answer space, for example: “what’s for breakfast?” “Is The coffee ready?” "Are there any dry towels?"and “Should I stop for gas on the way into the office?” We answer them seemingly without effort. Yet, there remains for each of us another, different list of not-so-easy questions relegated to the fringes of our consciousness, “benched” and in “time-out” waiting for the right moment to be addressed. For many people, these important questions remain on the “back-burner” cold and unanswered until the end of time. These are the difficult-to-answer questions, the ones that make us uncomfortable and perhaps we are left feeling unqualified to answer. Yet, we are uniquely qualified to answer them - as they belong to us and we belong to them. And, answering these powerful questions can have a significant impact on the quality of our lives.
Here are a few questions that may belong on the list:
- Who am I?
- What is my purpose?
- Is worrying giving me traction?
- What is the one thing I can do today that will significantly move my life forward?
- What course of action will lead to a lasting feeling of happiness and contentment in my life?
Perhaps, you can come up with a few more that are more relevant and unique to your journey.
True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us.- Socrates
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